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How to Restore a Rusty Wrought Iron Fence

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  • Restoration Tips, Rusty Wrought Iron Fences
  • Posted date:
  • 03-03-2016
How to Restore a Rusty Wrought Iron Fence

Restoration Tips for Rusty Wrought Iron Gates and Fences

Wrought iron is designed and built to last for many years but the biggest enemy of wrought iron is rust.

Rust can really eat through wrought iron and make it look very unsightly. Here are some restoration techniques for getting your wrought iron back looking great again.

Step one – Remove paint and rust

Using a paint scraper, remove any loose or peeling paint from your wrought iron. Then use a wire brush to scrub rusted areas.

If the rust is quite heavy then you can use a drill with a wire brush attachment to speed up this process. Make sure to get into all of the tight areas, this is typically where rust is found.

After this, use sand paper, starting with coarse and working back to fine and sand the entire fence. Buff the entire fence or gate to get it ready for paint.

Step 2 – Neutralize rust

Mix up a commercial rust neutraliser per package instructions in a bucket. Dip your wire brush into the solution and scrub the entire fence with it.

If you do not want to use chemicals to do this then you can use half lemon juice and half white vinegar.

Step 3 – Prime and paint

Paint the entire surface with an even coat of rust inhibiting primer for metal. Allow this to dry for at least 4 hours and then apply two fairly thick coats of rust resistant paint. Allow each coat to dry before applying the next coat.

Step 4- Maintenance

It is a good idea to wash your fence with soapy water twice a year. You can also oil latches and springs with mineral oil, which is a completely natural product.

Use steel wool to buff out any beginning signs of rust and scratches and you should also touch up any areas of paint that need it.

We offer a full range of domestic hardwood and cast iron driveway gates in the Tyne and Wear area.